Volume-1 & Issue-3

Received: 11
Rejected: 6
Published: 5

Demonstrative Process on the Use of Research Abstracts in Writing the Literature Review for Senior High School Students

AUTHORS: Almighty C. Tabuena

ABSTRACT:Preserving and improving the quality of human life is the main objective of the research process. There is a need to look at the teaching of research methods in this situation, as equipping students with these research literacy skills leads to increase individual research performance, especially on the demonstrative and preliminary steps in writing the literature review. Therefore, this research paper takes lead in research education to help students develop and maintain research skills using the research abstracts as a way to prepare and write the literature review on the research writing process. In this circumstance, this research article aimed to select relevant literature, synthesize information from relevant literature, use the research abstract in selecting related literature and studies, and present a written review of related literature. Read more It is very important to understand research from the perspective of researchers, from its nature to the important guidelines, as well as the research process itself. In preparing the research abstracts for the literature review and writing the literature review itself, demonstrative processes are recommended to ensure consistency and efficiency in doing research. In this process, the research abstract tabular outline will help the students in organizing the references and establish the important details in writing the literature review. It will also identify what to be included in the literature review and what to be disposed of in reading and analyzing different resources and references. This research abstract form in tabular outline for research reading might help students in preparing and writing the literature review in the research writing process as it is beneficial to them to promote and sustain research endeavors. Read less

Received: 2-Feb-2021

Accepted: 12-Feb-2021

Full Paper: Click here


AUTHORS: Mg. Juan Cotrina Aliaga1, Mg. Paul Sosa Celi2, Mg. Carlos Carranza Llanos3, Lic. Tula Espinoza Cordero4

ABSTRACT:The article seeks to identify the use ofTICs in health centres againts covid-19. A cross-sectional and descriptive study was carried out. The census sample consisted of 85 health professionals from Lima Centro - Peru. In which the survey and data collection were used were questionnaires for the Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Health. The results regarding ICT'S use,Inpredomino the usual indicator with 74.1% (n-63), and the dimension access to TIC'S, I also always predominate with 74.1 % (n-63), Read more almost always followed by 12.9% (n-11); in theuse of TIC's I always predominate with 42.4% (n-36); while in appropriation of TIC's it almost never dominated with 56.5% (n-48), followed by regularly 16.5% (n-14), never 12.9% (n-11), almost always 8.2% (n-7) and always with 5.9% (n-5). In which we conclude theuse of TICs in health centres against covid-19 that I always predominate in times of pandemic. Read less

Received: 8-Feb-2021

Accepted: 19-Feb-2021

Full Paper: Click here

Language Challenges Faced by Minority Undergraduates: An Exploration of the Sri Lankan Language Policies on Higher Education

AUTHORS: Ilfa Ijlal

ABSTRACT:Language is a system of communication which consists of a set of sounds and written symbols and used by people of a particular country or region in order to talk or write. Thus, it should be a tool for communication, not a barrier. However, in a multilingual country like Sri Lanka, the minority language speakers face a lot of problems in several domains. In the Sri Lankan state universities, the situation is the same. Sinhala being the language of the majority, they encounter many challenges in academic and non-academic settings. The present study focused on the challenges faced by the undergraduates who speak Tamil as their “mother tongue”. In most cases, the medium of instruction is not the same in the tertiary as it was in the secondary levels. Therefore; this situation has negatively affected their academic performance and also caused communication problems when they interact within the university community on daily basis. Read more This research attempted to investigate whether the authorities have implemented necessary policies and taken steps to enact those in order to prevent any psychological burden the undergraduates would face. The participants of the study were 100 undergraduates from state universities of Sri Lanka who speak minority languages. The study used both quantitative and qualitative methods to obtain data. The quantitative data gathered from the questionnaire were analyzed using SPSS whereas qualitative data from the interviews were analyzed thematically. The findings indicated that the undergraduates face problems in both the academic and non-academic settings. Although the constitution demonstrates some policies which are supposed to provide assistance to prevent such circumstances, a mismatch between the policies and practice exists. The data obtained from this study are of relevance to policymakers, researchers, and instructors. Read less

Received: 13-Feb-2021

Accepted: 23-Feb-2021

Full Paper: Click here

Study of different techniques for face recognition

AUTHORS: Rohan Lade1, Harshal Meshram2, Ankit Kulkarni3

ABSTRACT:The most significant part of face recognition is the input representation. This refers to the transformation of the intensity map to a form of input representation that allows easy and effective extraction of highly discriminative features. The next stage is classification. Although this is an important stage, the popular techniques and their strengths are fairly similar to each other. As such, the choice of classification algorithm does not affect the recognition accuracy as much as input representation. Read more Input representation is the major factor that differentiate face recognition algorithms. It can be approached in 2 manners: a geometrical approach that uses spatial configuration of the facial feature, and a more pictorial approach that uses image-based representation. In this paper a set of different face recognition algorithms are reviewed, and the best practices in this domain are studied and verified. Read less

Received: 19-Feb-2021

Accepted: 27-Feb-2021

Full Paper: Click here

An Overview of advanced treatment of Cancer Where are we today?

AUTHORS: Shopnil Akash

ABSTRACT: The total population of the world today has exceeded 7.8 billion. Population growth is considered to be the biggest problem in the world. Four people are born every second. Death is happening in the same proportion? No, people die every moment, even if they don't die in proportion to birth. An average of 56 million people die each year in the world. That means, two people leave the world in every second! Cancer is considered the second leading cause of death globally, accounting to the report of world Health organization, 9.6 million deaths, or one in six deaths, in 2018. Lung, prostate, stomach and liver cancer are the most common types of cancer in men, while breast, lung, and thyroid cancer are the most common among women. (according to the WHO Report) Cancer is not a contagious disease. It is not yet known exactly why these normal cells turn into abnormal cells. Harmful chemicals, 'hormone' radioactivity, occupations, habits (smoking, tobacco use, alcohol, etc.), injury, reproduction and perverted sexual behavior, air and water pollution, food (e.g., high fat or high fat diet), various racial, living systemic, geographical and environmental influences, parasites and viruses are generally universally recognized causes of cancer. Read more Once upon a time it was thought that cancer means death. But with the advancement and progress of medical science and technology, these ideas are no longer true at all, nor is the treatment of cancer invincible. It is possible to cure many cancers very easily. All that is needed is timely diagnosis and treatment. Prospect of this studies Currently Chemotherapy and radiotherapy is the most common treatment for the cancer. But, chemotherapy and radiotherapy have much more side effect due to less specificity, side effect including hair loss, Damage to lung tissue, Heart problems, Kidney problems, Nerve damage, Risk of a second cancer Chemotherapy mainly affect both normal and cancer cell which grow and divide so fast in the body. such as during the formation of new blood cells in the bone marrow or the cells in the mouth, stomach, skin, hair and reproductive organs. So, scientists are trying to development of many new tumor and anti-cancer drug for actual targeted sites to reduce this dangerous side effect. In the last two decades, Scientist are being used nano technology for the treatment of cancer. And it is good news that they get many advantages for the cancer treatment by using nano medicine technology such as good pharmacokinetics, precise targeting of tumor cells, reduction of side effects, and drug resistance. The nano technology for the cancer treatment including Lipid based nanoparticles (liposomes), Polymer/lipid-based nanoparticles and micelles, Carbon-based nanoparticles and EPR etc. Read less

Received: 20-Feb-2021

Accepted: 26-Feb-2021

Full Paper: Click here


ISSN (Online): 2833-7298
ISSN (Print): 2833-7301


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